You’ve probably seen the ads from the air conditioning companies that offer the $49.00 tune up special, free UV Lights, free service calls, free surge protectors, even free duct cleaning with a service call. Some “homeowner resource” magazines you can look through and find up to 5 different AC companies all advertising pretty much the same deals – one local magazine even uses the same graphics for different companies.
You’ve also probably heard of the term “Loss Leader”. This is when an item is offered for sale at a reduced price and is intended to "lead" to the subsequent sale of other items or services.
You may think you are getting a great deal when you call an air conditioning company and take advantage of their $19.00 unlimited vent cleaning plus deodorizer special. The problem is, not only will the work be substandard, but the person who shows up to do the work will be a salesperson and will start trying to upsell you the minute they enter your home.
In a way these special deal ads bring to mind visions of carnival barkers picking rubes from the audience to con. It’s sad but true that there are many predatory companies out there just looking for unsuspecting people in vulnerable situations. Just do a search on the internet and see how many duct cleaning scams are out there.
At Sean McCutcheon’s Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. we value and respect our customers - you are part of our family and we treat you as such. If you are kind enough to call us, you will never be treated as just another warm lead. We are not out for the short term fast buck. We want to earn your trust, and we want you to be our customer 20 years from now.
Remember: If an Air conditioning deal or coupon seems too good to be true it always is!
If you ever need expert HVAC advice, or have any questions related to Air Conditioning, we hope you will call us or at least allow us to give you a second opinion.
Sean McCutcheon’s Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. The quality and service you deserve.